For at støtte danske kunstnere, så er halvofficielt lavet en dag for at spille danske kunstnere, og jeg står da ikke tilbage for at bakke op om det forslag... Så her er mit bidrag - Et remix1masse album, lidt mindre end det normale, men lavet i hast for at få danske kunstnere ud i rampelyset...
torsdag den 30. oktober 2008
søndag den 26. oktober 2008
Drop the mic...
Vi har lige fået en mail fra Isbjerg :
"Moment of truth.. I'd promised myself that if the album didn't get out in 2008, I had to let it go.. and I haven't recorded a lot this year.. I'm not saying that I retire, but that the mic is still lying on the shelf and is a bit dusted by now and I dont see me using it again soon.. I've found a deep passion for producing, so it's still in my everyday and in my blood. I do feel the urge to write once ina while, but to record it is to much and I don't feel that hungry anymore.. So with that in mind, I'd rather not record a long awaited album, than record an album because I feel the pressure to do so.. This is not a public statement that I retire, but an explanation to a missing album.."
"Sandhedens time... Jeg har lovet mig selv, at bliver pladen ikke færdig i 2008, så må jeg sgu droppe ideen om den..
Jeg siger ikke, at jeg går på pension, men jeg siger at jeg forsat har mikken på hylden - Den har samlet støv i et stykke tid nu, og jeg regner ikke med, at den kommer i brug igen, men man kan aldrig vide... Men i den sidste tid har jeg fundet en større passion i at producere, så hip hop er stadig i mit blod, og jeg kan mærke lysten til at skrive rim, men kan ikke overskue det at skulle indspille det, og så er man ikke længere sulten.. Og jeg syntes, at jeg hellere vil undlade udgivelsen, end jeg vil lave en plade af forpligtelse og pres.. Dette er ikke en offentlig udmelding om pension, men bare en forklaring på manglende album.. "
Vi hos Rap1Masse står bag mandens beslutning, og holder naturligvis af hans nyvundne passion for ar producere...
Jeg siger ikke, at jeg går på pension, men jeg siger at jeg forsat har mikken på hylden - Den har samlet støv i et stykke tid nu, og jeg regner ikke med, at den kommer i brug igen, men man kan aldrig vide... Men i den sidste tid har jeg fundet en større passion i at producere, så hip hop er stadig i mit blod, og jeg kan mærke lysten til at skrive rim, men kan ikke overskue det at skulle indspille det, og så er man ikke længere sulten.. Og jeg syntes, at jeg hellere vil undlade udgivelsen, end jeg vil lave en plade af forpligtelse og pres.. Dette er ikke en offentlig udmelding om pension, men bare en forklaring på manglende album.. "
Vi hos Rap1Masse står bag mandens beslutning, og holder naturligvis af hans nyvundne passion for ar producere...
"Moment of truth.. I'd promised myself that if the album didn't get out in 2008, I had to let it go.. and I haven't recorded a lot this year.. I'm not saying that I retire, but that the mic is still lying on the shelf and is a bit dusted by now and I dont see me using it again soon.. I've found a deep passion for producing, so it's still in my everyday and in my blood. I do feel the urge to write once ina while, but to record it is to much and I don't feel that hungry anymore.. So with that in mind, I'd rather not record a long awaited album, than record an album because I feel the pressure to do so.. This is not a public statement that I retire, but an explanation to a missing album.."
We at Rap1Masse support his decision and are blessed by his newfound love of producing...
lørdag den 25. oktober 2008
What if..
Det er et stykke tid siden, at jeg læste om DJ premier skulle producere et nummer på Eminems plade.. Og jeg kan ikke slippe tanken, så jeg var sgu nødt til at prøve at høre dem sammen.. eg lavede et nummer med dem sammen, der virkede, og før jeg vidste af det, så....
Et stykk mix, mens vi spændt afventer et nyt album fra Em... Eller et Dre album..
It's been a while, since I saw the news about DJ Premier producing atrack for Eminem's new album and I cant get it out of my mind, so Ihad to get an idea of the sound of them together.. I did one mix ofthem together and had to try again – The result is here and is called'What if..' in the spirit of a series of Marvel comics which presentsan alternative happening.. This happening is Em on Primo beats, andI've tried to create them as a blend between the two..Enjoy the mix, as we awaits the Eminem album… just as we await the newDre album..
torsdag den 23. oktober 2008
mandag den 20. oktober 2008
Så er der planlagt en musikalsk rejse for 2009... I januar er udfordringen at få nået 10 byer i 10 lande og få 10 beats til at lyde nationale, og ud af de 10 lande finde det bedste af hvert land i form af enten et nationalt instrument eller et musikstykke derfra og fusionere det sammen i et nummer, der helst langsomt skulle tage form på rejsen undervejs....
050109 Glasgow, Skotland
060109 Birmingham, England
070109 Paris, Frankrig
080109 Torino,Italien
090109 Skopje,Makadonien
120109 Prag,Tjekkiet
130109 Wroclaw, Polen
140109 Kiev, Ukraine
150109 St. Pedersborg, Rusland
160109 Helsinki, Finland
190109 København, Danmark
jeg havde mig at rapportere fra ruten dagligt og uploade nummeret i slutningen af dagen, for derefter at smide alle numrene op i albumform d. 210109
A musical journey have been planned for 2009.. In january the challenge is to reach 10 cities in 10 counties and get 10 beats to sound national, to find the best from all the counties, either a national instrument or a local album and fusion it to one track, that should shape up during the trip..
050109 Glasgow, Scotland
060109 Birmingham, England
070109 Paris, France
080109 Turin,Italy
090109 Skopje,Makadonia
120109 Prague, Czech Republic
130109 Wroclaw, Poland
140109 Kiev, Ukraine
150109 St. Pedersborg, Russia
160109 Helsinki, Finland
190109 Copenhagen, Denmark
Im blogging on a daily basis and are uploading the beats at the daily, for thereby throwing an entire album up 210109
050109 Glasgow, Skotland
060109 Birmingham, England
070109 Paris, Frankrig
080109 Torino,Italien
090109 Skopje,Makadonien
120109 Prag,Tjekkiet
130109 Wroclaw, Polen
140109 Kiev, Ukraine
150109 St. Pedersborg, Rusland
160109 Helsinki, Finland
190109 København, Danmark
jeg havde mig at rapportere fra ruten dagligt og uploade nummeret i slutningen af dagen, for derefter at smide alle numrene op i albumform d. 210109
A musical journey have been planned for 2009.. In january the challenge is to reach 10 cities in 10 counties and get 10 beats to sound national, to find the best from all the counties, either a national instrument or a local album and fusion it to one track, that should shape up during the trip..
050109 Glasgow, Scotland
060109 Birmingham, England
070109 Paris, France
080109 Turin,Italy
090109 Skopje,Makadonia
120109 Prague, Czech Republic
130109 Wroclaw, Poland
140109 Kiev, Ukraine
150109 St. Pedersborg, Russia
160109 Helsinki, Finland
190109 Copenhagen, Denmark
Im blogging on a daily basis and are uploading the beats at the daily, for thereby throwing an entire album up 210109
onsdag den 15. oktober 2008
Facebook Invasion
Ja, så sad jeg så her på min 'fridag' fra Acid Pro og tænkte i nye måder at markedsføre sin blog på.. Vores mål er jo at sprede den grafiske og musikalske kunnen ud til så mange som overhovedet muligt og måske få lidt jobs oveni som lidt bonus.. Og imellemtiden er så det at få en god del musik spredt og downloadet ud over kontinenterne... Så vi kan blive taget lidt seriøst, og kan vise at der sidder professionelle mennesker bag Rap1Masse og ikke en lille teenager med gode venner og et Music Maker program.. Men så midt i den seriøse tankegang kom jeg til at tænke på Facebook og mulighederne i den, og det skal jeg lige have gennemset.. Imellemtiden er der en nye gruppe i Myspace
Well, There I was on my day off from my Acid Pro and were thinkig of new ways to showcase my blog.. With a goal to spread the graphical og musical craft to as many as possible and maybe get some jobs in on the side.. And meanwhile getting a whole lot of downloads spread out throughout the globe.. Mostly in a need to be taken seriously and show that we are pros and not teens with friends and a Music Maker porgram.. And in the middle of that train of thoughts Facebook popped up and I have to rethink the possiblilities in that media...
tirsdag den 14. oktober 2008
News at 11
Hej alle sammen. Alt går jo strålende med udgivelserne og diverse downloads, og jeg tager lidt fri fra musikken for at lave ordenlige covers til alle albums og får organiseret lidt overblik, så jeg kan overskue udgivelserne..
Jeg har desuden lige fået ideen til et julekatalog, og sende det ud så folk kan blive lidt mere obs på min blog, og så vi kan få tilbudt mine albums til alle, der måske lige mangler en sidste gave.. Jeg har et opsamlingsalbum kaldt '2008 - the year of remix' som bli'r smidt ud, klar til nytårsaften.. Og der er den ugentlige kalendergave, der skal gøres klar...
Så jeg er på dupperne...
Hi all. All is well with the downloads and the releases, so Im taking a breather from the music to focus on covers and cd Sleeve for the downloads and making a working plan to go after.. All the download will be replaced and sat on my blog again in no time...
Furthermore I just got the idea for a christmas catalog with all my releases to be send out to all to make a buzz about my blog, if you should need a last minute present.. Ive got a new years album coming and a weekly download in december,,
Jeg har desuden lige fået ideen til et julekatalog, og sende det ud så folk kan blive lidt mere obs på min blog, og så vi kan få tilbudt mine albums til alle, der måske lige mangler en sidste gave.. Jeg har et opsamlingsalbum kaldt '2008 - the year of remix' som bli'r smidt ud, klar til nytårsaften.. Og der er den ugentlige kalendergave, der skal gøres klar...
Så jeg er på dupperne...
Hi all. All is well with the downloads and the releases, so Im taking a breather from the music to focus on covers and cd Sleeve for the downloads and making a working plan to go after.. All the download will be replaced and sat on my blog again in no time...
Furthermore I just got the idea for a christmas catalog with all my releases to be send out to all to make a buzz about my blog, if you should need a last minute present.. Ive got a new years album coming and a weekly download in december,,
mandag den 13. oktober 2008
The Wu Journal
An old Chinese fable tells the story of one clan's journey to the
temple, in which they were instructed to protect. This clan saved the emperor of the Tang Dynasty on this journey, but they were reduced from 13 to 9 in the struggle. The emperor allowed the Shaolin temple to have soldier monks and allowed the 9 remaining monks to be immortalized in the tombs of the celebrated Shaolin monks.
The Wu Journal are the remix album, combining the wellknown lyrics of members of WuTangClan with wellknown Chinese instruments and Shaolin flicks, recreating the soundscapes of acient china and a feeling of the clan returning home to the temple of Wu.
temple, in which they were instructed to protect. This clan saved the emperor of the Tang Dynasty on this journey, but they were reduced from 13 to 9 in the struggle. The emperor allowed the Shaolin temple to have soldier monks and allowed the 9 remaining monks to be immortalized in the tombs of the celebrated Shaolin monks.
The Wu Journal are the remix album, combining the wellknown lyrics of members of WuTangClan with wellknown Chinese instruments and Shaolin flicks, recreating the soundscapes of acient china and a feeling of the clan returning home to the temple of Wu.
søndag den 12. oktober 2008
What more can I say ?
Med Wu i trykken og Isaac Hayes i bakspejlet kan jeg nu lige gribe mig en dag eller to på sofaen og forsøge på ikke at tænde for Acid Pro.. Jeg vil hellere hvile ørene lidt, end jeg vil komme ud for at sidde fast eller løbe tør for gode ideer..
With Wu fresh in print and Isaac Hayes i my rear view mirror, I can relax a day or two on the couch and try NOT to turn on Acid Pro - I will rather rest my ears and regain full battery than get stock or run out of good ideas...
With Wu fresh in print and Isaac Hayes i my rear view mirror, I can relax a day or two on the couch and try NOT to turn on Acid Pro - I will rather rest my ears and regain full battery than get stock or run out of good ideas...
torsdag den 9. oktober 2008
Soulman Therapy/The Wu Journal
Så bli'r Soulman Therapy lagt ud i morgen, to måneder efter Isaac Hayes' alt for tidlige død og grunden til denne collabo er simpel - Ligesom BillPrint ville jeg fusionere en fantastisk musiker med en fantastisk rapper, og Ludacris havde bare stemmeføring og stil, der matchede Isaacs musik perfekt.. Jeg havde godt nok masser af musikmateriale, men ville fokusere på at få Luda frem og matche essensen i nummeret..
Desuden surfede jeg forbi KevinNottingham igår og så Tokyo Cigars sidste projekt. nemlig et Wu tang remix album, ligesom jeg ville.. Jamen, store tænkere udtænker ofte lignende tanker, så jeg har opfordret til en lille dyst ved at udgive mit album før tiden, så snart at Kevin accepterer at smide det op på hans site og så lade hans læsere have flere valg, samt at udfordre ham lidt.. Det betyder bare, at jeg lige skal blive færdig før tiden, og at det så udkommer på mandag, tre dage efter Soulman Therapy.. Jeg har en hel del materiale på tegnebordet, så jeg er kampklar og glæder mig til at påbegynde nye projekter...
Im releasing Soulman Therapy tomorrow, two months after Isaac Hayes' death and the reason for this collabo is simple – Like BillPrint, I wanted to match a great musician with a great rapper, and Ludacris had a flavour that could easily match Isaac's music. I had music for days, but wanted to bring Ludacris out and match the essence in each number..
Furthermore, I was surfing by and saw Tokyo's latest project – A wu Tang Remix Album ! Well as great minds think alike, I had to step up and challenge the man by releasing my project as soon as Kevin give the green light – The idea is to let his readers listen to both albums and this means finishing my project before time, but I only needed to check the levels on the last track and pack it… So the Wu Journals is being released on Monday, three days after Soulman Therapy..
There are plenty of new projects on the drawing board, and I am in top gear at the moment, so therefore I bring the ruckus..
Desuden surfede jeg forbi KevinNottingham igår og så Tokyo Cigars sidste projekt. nemlig et Wu tang remix album, ligesom jeg ville.. Jamen, store tænkere udtænker ofte lignende tanker, så jeg har opfordret til en lille dyst ved at udgive mit album før tiden, så snart at Kevin accepterer at smide det op på hans site og så lade hans læsere have flere valg, samt at udfordre ham lidt.. Det betyder bare, at jeg lige skal blive færdig før tiden, og at det så udkommer på mandag, tre dage efter Soulman Therapy.. Jeg har en hel del materiale på tegnebordet, så jeg er kampklar og glæder mig til at påbegynde nye projekter...
Im releasing Soulman Therapy tomorrow, two months after Isaac Hayes' death and the reason for this collabo is simple – Like BillPrint, I wanted to match a great musician with a great rapper, and Ludacris had a flavour that could easily match Isaac's music. I had music for days, but wanted to bring Ludacris out and match the essence in each number..
Furthermore, I was surfing by and saw Tokyo's latest project – A wu Tang Remix Album ! Well as great minds think alike, I had to step up and challenge the man by releasing my project as soon as Kevin give the green light – The idea is to let his readers listen to both albums and this means finishing my project before time, but I only needed to check the levels on the last track and pack it… So the Wu Journals is being released on Monday, three days after Soulman Therapy..
There are plenty of new projects on the drawing board, and I am in top gear at the moment, so therefore I bring the ruckus..
tirsdag den 7. oktober 2008
Theme and wallpapers
Jeg ved godt, at det er superego, men jeg kunne ikke lade vær'… Jeg sad med photoshop og kom I tanke om, at jeg manglede en baggrund til mit skrivebord, og bum bum bum… Rap1Masse blær Baggrund, så den er bare i vinkel..
Jeg har bare smidt kataloget op og det ser sgu for godt ud.. Jeg er i gang med at bling blinge en baggrund, og kom til at tænke på et tema til mobilen… Så der er mere at hente i nær fremtid..
I'm selfish,I know, but I couldn't help it.. I had Photoshop running, and remembered needing a wallpaper for my desktop, and bum bum bum… Rap1Masse wallpaper with the catalog and working on a bling bling version, plus a theme for Sony Erisson mobile…
Download To Mobile Phone: Rap1Masse
Jeg har bare smidt kataloget op og det ser sgu for godt ud.. Jeg er i gang med at bling blinge en baggrund, og kom til at tænke på et tema til mobilen… Så der er mere at hente i nær fremtid..
I'm selfish,I know, but I couldn't help it.. I had Photoshop running, and remembered needing a wallpaper for my desktop, and bum bum bum… Rap1Masse wallpaper with the catalog and working on a bling bling version, plus a theme for Sony Erisson mobile…
Download To Mobile Phone: Rap1Masse
lørdag den 4. oktober 2008
Notorious Movie
Hvor jeg glæder mig til den... Og skulle manden ikke mon ikke lave et remix soundtrack til premieredagen ?
Oh, Im exited.. Do you truely have plans for a remix soundtrack for the premiernight ?
Oh, Im exited.. Do you truely have plans for a remix soundtrack for the premiernight ?
fredag den 3. oktober 2008
Bad Acapellas
Jeg har lige fundet et nyt site for acapellaer, men de er skod... Jeg fandt dem med baggrundsstøj, manglende vers og ikke helt den standard, man forventer at finde... Jeg fandt nogle fede Ice Cube acapellaer, men blev skuffet over at opdage, at nogle var ikke helt det, de skulle være... Hold jer tæt til kilden og få flere lækkerier snart...
I just found a new distributor, and some of his goods are not up to standards - Using these acapellas can result in bad sound, feeling dizzy and out of focus, vocals running and all in all - Not living up to being involved in a remix... I had some bad Ice cube's with one verse missing, one not really being an acapella, but contains background noises and crunked drums... This is doing some major setbacks on some of my projects, so stay tuned...
onsdag den 1. oktober 2008
Before I sleep
Nu venter jeg ikke længere.... Her er det fedeste remix album til jer alle.... Jeg er stolt af at kunne præsentere ' Before I sleep - Remix anno domini 1988' El-P er blevet skruet 20 år tilbage i tiden, men det er stadig El og det er stadig superfedt...
I cant wait any longer.. Here's the ultimate remix album for y'all.. El Producto has been thrown back 20 years in time with your old school instruments and 808's.. Before Kanye West even touched a Roland - It's still El and still the greatest album of all time...
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