tirsdag den 30. juni 2009


A while back, KevinNottingham had a post describing a sucker trying to be bigshot, yanking about how much he hates Charles Hamilton and that this chump should be promoted more.. So he wrote Kevin and this made Kevin respond in his manner... Up for discussion and this dude wouldnt let go and did even pretend to be two of his girlish friends... His joint are lousy and sounds like Divine style on a bad day, so I had to step up in this, backing my main man up.. So I flipped a quick joint with his own complaining voice from Youtube and Guru and Tim Dog telling this wiener to know his place and shut up... I then decided to make a video quick and so I did... Now, what I didnt expect was this loser to grasp my profile and take some private pics of my children, copy them to his computer and throw them through photoshop, you fucking pervert..
Now Ive reached a forkin the road... The first is full of ideas to release some tensions and cut some vocals in on some beats and make UFO look dumb.. Now he's looking dumb now, but I still need release....
The second road is to ignore him, dont respond to anything other than to report his video to myspace and let the sucker live....

So for now, imma let you look at the cover, while I make beats and salute the King of Pop...